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Certified Vs Notarised Translation – The Key Differences

If you have ever required certified translation services for any purpose whatsoever, you may have also come across notarised translations.  What’s more, you probably wondered whether there was any real difference between the two, or whether you were in fact looking at two names for the same service. Contrary to popular belief however, the two […]

Mistakes to Avoid While Hiring a Certified Translation Service

Certified translators provide an invaluable service when official or important documents require translation. From adoption documents to educational records to medical records and more, when the document is of critical importance, certified translation is the only way to go. But at the same time, there are certain common mistakes made by those seeking certified translations […]

Certified Translations – How to Avoid Misunderstandings and Miscommunications

When you’re talking certified translations, you’re talking the kinds of documents that carry an extreme level of importance.  From certified marriage certificate translations to adoption document translations and so on, these are exactly the kinds of instances in which misunderstandings and miscommunications are entirely unacceptable. So with this in mind, what follows is a brief […]

Certified Translation of Documents for Adoption

Without doubt, adopting a child may be the single most incredible thing you will ever do in a lifetime. But while adopting a child in or from another country represents both a wonderful gesture and a life-changing decision, it has the potential to be incredibly complicated. The reason being that just as is the case […]

Business Contract Translations – Maximising Effectiveness

For a number of reasons, business contracts have the potential to be some of the most challenging of all documents to translate. Along with containing a large quantity of highly-specific and technical content, they may also be legally-binding. Which in turn means that errors, oversights and omission of any kind are completely unacceptable. If the […]