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Expand your Business Globally with Certified Japanese Translation

The Japanese language plays a significant role considering that it is the ninth (9th) most spoken language worldwide, with more than 128 million people speaking it. Another equally important consideration is that Japan has the third (3rd) largest economy globally, with America and China at the helm.

Markus is a young Japanese businessman; he has planned to spread his business to other countries, and for this purpose, he needs all his documents legally translated. And he has approached SemioticTransfer for the certified translation of his business records. They have helped him most assuredly in his documents’ translation.

What is a certified translation? When and why to use a Certified translation company for the translation of your business documents? We have got the answer to all your possible questions.

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Japanese Certified Translation: When and Why to Use

From a business perspective, translating documents, papers, and communications into and from the Japanese language is essential for a Japanese venturing into the cross-border expansion of business or a foreign company doing business in Japan.

A perfect translation is a must if one has to ensure that the message is conveyed and that the necessary translated documents are submitted. One cannot just rely on the unsupported and uncertified translation by trusting anybody, which may mean losing projected business and profits. To avoid that, the services of a certified Japanese translation becomes a necessity and an indispensable need.

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What is a Certified Japanese Translation?

A Certified Japanese Translation is equivalent in saying that it is an official or a sworn translation from certified translators. In effect, the translated document is considered legal and has a legal consequence for its intended purpose.

As proof of it being a Certified Japanese translation, at times, a Statement of Certification is issued by the language service provider, which will either have their signature or a seal stamped on it, depending on the country's requirement in which it will be used.

A Certified translation into or from Japanese may be required for official and other legal documents when traveling like visas or applications when doing business. And to be accepted, they will have to be a certified translation that only accredited language service providers can offer. It will be accepted, because the presumption is that it is a faithful rewording of the original text, either into or from the Japanese language.

Japanese Certified Translation with ISO 17100

As an added layer of reliability, a language service provider, if qualified, is given ISO 17100 accreditation. With this accreditation, it lays down the international standard among those in the translation industry. It sets forth the regulations that will be used to gauge the standardized process and level of quality.

By ISO 17100 certification, a language service provider that offers Certified Japanese translations gives assurance to their clients that translations are made under the accepted standard in the industry and the vocabulary of universally accepted words.

From the client's standpoint, the ISO 17100 certification of a language service provider extends that needed comfort level, knowing that the translation output is guaranteed quality, reliability, and even timeliness.

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And because ISO 17100 certification can be canceled once a language service provider fails to maintain the standard of quality required, false sense of security is always frowned upon in the industry. Therefore, clients are assured that the language service provider is still on its toes. And is continually improving and is updated with any development in the translation industry. SemioticTransfer’s ISO 17100 certification shows the quality and reliability of its translation services.

Native Certified Japanese Translator

To ensure that translated documents are authentic in terms of their substance and meaning; any translation must be based on the proven native language principle. Meaning, one who translates into a particular language must be a native to that language. It follows then that only native Japanese speakers can translate it into the Japanese language. In the same vein, one who translates a Japanese document into a foreign language must also be considered a native of that particular language. The primary purpose of this is to develop an authentic translation that is ordinarily understood by the people speaking the same language. In that way, the documents are considered a faithful translation of the original.

On that note, one need not be a Japanese citizen or resident, in order to be considered a native Japanese speaker.. It is enough that the Japanese language is read and spoken by a person who grew up in Japan or has completed his or her education in that country. It is presumed that one has already assimilated the Japanese language just like any other native citizens.

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Expert Reviewers

An essential process in the translation industry is to hire translators who are native speakers of a specific language or skilled in the translation industry. Equal weight is also given to the method of proofreading, editing, revision until the accepted final output is concluded.

A native Japanese translator in this step of the process can help point out errors in the translation, terms used, and even semantics that genuinely express the original text's intent. Other experts in editing also play an essential role in producing a translation output into or from the Japanese language to satisfy the client's needs and eventually serve its intended purpose.

Likewise, expert reviewers are indispensable to any language service provider, because they are the most qualified to guarantee that translation work meets accepted standards. This shows that it is also one of the requirements that need to be fulfilled in order to be ISO 17100 accredited.

Over 10 Years of Certified Japanese Translation Service

As time is considered one of the best teachers, any language service provider that has existed for years can be regarded as reliable and trustworthy. A Certified Japanese translation agency that has been in the industry for over ten (10) years clearly demonstrates that it has the hallmark of success and can be relied on. And it also assures you to rely on SemioticTransfer to translate your documents, as it has been providing translation services for the last 20 years.

How to request a Certified Japanese Translation

Besides the actual location where the language service provider operates, most of them can be accessed through their website. On their websites, they showcase the services they render and how one can avail of their services. In most cases, one is asked to send copies of the documents that need translation through the commercial courier. There are also instances where scanned copies alone are requested to be sent to them through electronic mail.

They also offer a complimentary quote for the requested Certified Japanese translation. At no cost to the client, one is given an estimated cost incurred by the client.

Take that opportunity to establish a new or even expand existing businesses by doing business in Japan or a Japanese business entity overseas. Have those necessary documents that need translation placed in the hands of a Certified Japanese translation agency like SemioticTransfer. Through their services, you are sure to have an added leverage to land that new business prospect.

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