Certified Translations for United States Immigration

It’s no secret that legally migrating to the United States isn’t what you’d call a straightforward process. But one element of the process that’s often overlooked in terms of complexity and its time-consuming nature is that of document translations. Quite simply, it is an official requirement to ensure you have certified translations of every document required alongside your immigration application. If there’s the slightest error or oversight, your application could be delayed or rejected altogether.

Supporting Documents

In terms of what documents you’ll need to use official translation services to produce, it varies to some extent on your own unique case. However, in almost every instance you will need your birth certificate, photocopy of valid passport biographic data page, and when applicable, your marriage certificate, marriage termination documentation, adoption documentation, military records, police certificates and any court/prison records as applicable. Of all of these documents, it tends to be the birth certificate that’s the most important of all, along with the relevant information from your current passport.

Plan in Advance

What’s important to remember is that depending on the number, the complexity and the language of the documents you wish to have translated, it has the potential to be a relatively lengthy process. The certified translation company you choose may need to ask you any number of questions to clarify details, while sending and waiting for documents to be returned by post can also eat up a fair amount of time.

As such, the two most important tips when it comes to certified translations are to work only with reputable service providers and to ensure you start the process in advance. The more time you have, the lower the likelihood of running into problems at a highly inconvenient or critical moment.

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