Preparing a Document for Certified Translation

Submitting an important document for certified translation can be something of an unnerving process.  In relinquishing control over what happens next, you effectively have very little say in the outcome.  Suffice to say, having opted for a certified document translation service in the first place, it can be assumed that the document and its purpose are both of critical importance.

This is precisely why it is always advisable to take a little time prior to submitting the document, in order to carry out a couple of minor checks.  The faster, simpler and more efficient the translation process is, the quicker the documents will be returned and the more affordable the service will be in general.

So prior to going ahead with a certified translation service, give the following considerations a final once-over:

  1. Unnecessary Complications – Where plausible and realistic, unnecessary complications should be kept to an absolute minimum. This doesn’t mean that the entire document has to be in any way ‘dumbed down’ or key elements removed, but if there is a simple way of presenting its content, it may be worth considering minor changes.
  2. Accuracy – It goes without saying that accuracy of the document and its content should be triple-checked before submission…and then checked at least once more, just to be sure.
  3. Slang and Colloquialisms – Something else to bear in mind is the way in which any specific slang or local dialect the document contains will both complicate the translation process and potentially affect the outcome. The highest-calibre translators working today will be sufficiently experienced in identifying and working with slang and colloquialisms, but for the sake of simplicity, it’s advisable to keep both to minimums.
  4. Layout and Space – If the document in the target language is required to be presented using a specific template or layout, it is advisable to ensure there is plenty of space available. A single word in one language could turn out to be a complicated sentence in another.
  5. Keep a Copy – It may sound obvious, but ensure that an additional copy of the document in question is retained, should it be required in the meantime or any problems be encountered with postal/delivery services.

For more information on elite certified translation services, give the Semiotic Transfer team a call today.

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